My name is Eric and I created this site to inform readers about the secrets of nutrition and weight loss.

My career path has nothing to do with the world of nutrition since after my Master 2 I worked in industry and I am now an expatriate since 2009. I wasn’t particularly interested in this subject before the turn in 2010 when I read Tim Ferriss’ book “The 4-Hour Body”.

First, I read the book and then put it back until 2011 when I needed to lose weight. As I went back into it, I discovered that everything I knew about nutrition was wrong. I decided to apply his method to the letter and I lost 10 kilos in 6 weeks!

But in addition to weight loss, I have benefited from positive effects that go far beyond the simple diet. I had more energy, a better mood, increased productivity at work and improved overall health.

To find out more, I invite you to read the article where I talk about the evolution of my weight, my shock moment and my starting weight (with photo).

Why the Lose Weight Quickly and Well site?

My curiosity and thirst for knowledge pushed me to delve deeper into the subject and read the science behind this book to understand aspects I had never heard of before, such as the insulin index for example. Then, listening to my colleagues and friends, I realized that everyone has their own opinion on nutrition, diets, weight or sports.

These opinions are of course contradictory and are not based on any scientific fact. I then understood that the ocean of information we receive through the media has created confusion in our culture and many urban legends.

That’s why I made this site to explain as simply as possible everything I’ve learned (and continues to learn). I hope you will find articles that will provide you with additional knowledge and that together we can shed light on the myths and realities of this exciting subject.

I am a strong supporter of the principle that losing weight and getting back into shape is not complicated! This is what I show you through my articles without any wooden tongue.

About the slogan “Eat more, move less, live better”

I received some criticism on the site’s slogan “Eat more, move less, live better”, generally the criticism is of the style “it’s anything it’s not possibleuhhh ! You will notice that the argument is very deep.

The purpose of a slogan is to mark the spirit. I chose this one because it is antagonistic to the famous “Eat less, move more” that we hear everywhere.

Yes, it is possible to lose weight by eating more. Yes, it is possible to lose weight WITHOUT doing sports and yes, it is possible to live better and have good health. Of course, when I say “move less” I don’t encourage laziness, I’m just saying that sport is not mandatory.