Organic CBD oil 30% LFDCBD: our opinion
CBD oil 30% is very concentrated and should be used with great care.

It is ideal for relieving anxiety or chronic pain. You can take it either orally (under the tongue) or by mixing it with vegetable oil (like coconut oil) to massage the painful area.

What are fear and anxiety?
To some extent, fear is perfectly normal and can be safe.

In some cases, such as when in danger from animals, or when crossing a very dangerous road, fear can be very beneficial to human survival.

On the other hand, if you suffer from anxiety, social anxiety, social phobia, or panic attacks, and these attacks are exaggerated, then they become a daily nuisance. Fear then takes control and usually leads to isolation.

Those affected often suffer from a “fear of fear”. Many people suffer dramatic consequences. They isolate themselves from the outside social world, lock themselves up at home, and fear everyday situations.

The development of anxiety states and panic attacks.
Fear travels through our bodies in fractions of a millisecond. Sometimes we perceive certain things and this event is then evaluated by the brain.

In short, the brain processes perception and perhaps interprets it as a potential danger. Even if there is no danger.

This message is transmitted to the limbic system, where the hippocampus and hypothalamus eventually trigger various symptoms of anxiety. This would be, for example, a stronger heartbeat or an increase in breathing rate.

Fears, phobias, or anxiety disorders are also often promoted by depression. The deficiency of serotonin, the happiness hormone, can also be responsible for depressed mood.
How do we recognize fear?
There are many signs of anxiety. It also depends a bit on the anxiety states you are dealing with.

If you have a phobia, for example of spiders, fear naturally affects you the moment you discover a spider or come into contact with spiders.

Depression – such as winter depression – is characterized by low mood, apathy, excessive sadness, unexplainable fatigue, and many other indicators. SAD is a seasonal depression that can recur every year.

Malicious anxiety disorders in everyday life can be observed in people affected by recurrent panic attacks, although there is actually no danger.
Classic symptoms are:

  • Tachycardia
  • Chest tightness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweaty spurts
  • Shaking
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Nausea

Such physical reactions are caused by the nervous system.

How does CBD work against anxiety and panic?
Scientific studies have shown that organic cbd uk has a feel-good and calming effect on anxiety, and social anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders are controlled, among others, by the amygdala, a central area of the brain. In case of anxiety, messenger substances are released that cause tremors and sweating in the body.

CBD is linked to the receptors of the endocannabinoid system (SEC) and inhibits the release of anxiety neurotransmitters. In fact, the SEC regulates anxiety through special signals.
Researchers have also found that CBD can enhance serotonin and glutamate signaling. To do this, it needs to activate the 5-HT1A receptor. And as a result, CBD works faster than antidepressants.

A study from the University of Sao Paulo (Bergamo study) also showed that CBD has a calming effect on anxiety. The studies involved volunteers who suffered from anxiety when speaking in public. By taking CBD, they showed much less stress and discomfort in such situations.